Walmart integration
in a few clicks

M2E Cloud seamlessly integrates your Shopify and BigCommerce store with Walmart. No need for special skills to start selling on Walmart. Access millions of Walmart US shoppers in just 5 minutes.
M2E Cloud seamlessly integrates your Shopify and BigCommerce store with Walmart. No need for special skills to start selling on Walmart. Access millions of Walmart US shoppers in just 5 minutes.

Link products with Walmart catalog

  • Import and manage your listings in one easy-to-use interface
  • Automatically link your Shopify products by Product ID and SKU
  • Keep inventory synced across all sales channels

Sell more on Walmart

  • Keep stock levels under control
  • Prevent overselling
  • Be visible to millions of buyers on Walmart Shopify integration
Product analytics

Integrate your store
with new marketplaces

Why you should choose M2E Cloud

eBay sales

Easy to use and handy interface

Clean and user-friendly interface will save you time and effort. In a few clicks, you can set up the app and start selling on eBay, Amazon, and Walmart marketplaces.
eBay sales

Chance to influence a product

M2E Cloud is constantly improved in collaboration with customers. Clients’ needs and requirements are our priority.
eBay sales

From M2E Pro team developers

M2E Cloud derives from M2E Pro’s 15 years of experience – the first Magento-native solution for integrating with eBay, Amazon, and Walmart.


How to sell on Walmart with Shopify?

To list on Walmart using Shopify, you may take advantage of external applications or integrations, such as M2E Cloud. The app connects Walmart and Shopify accounts, allowing you to upload Shopify catalog items to Walmart in a few simple steps and then manage them all in one place.

How to sell your product to Walmart?

Firstly, Walmart has to approve a request to become a merchant on their website. After that, you can upload product info to Walmart’s website, including images, descriptions, pricing, etc., and verify its accuracy and compliance with Walmart’s guidelines. Prior to the listing’s launch, you should submit it for Walmart’s approval to streamline the process. Use M2E Cloud to list items in bulk on Walmart US with minimal effort.

How can I manage Walmart inventory online?

Monitor sales, update inventories’ quantities, prices, and other data directly in Walmart Seller Center. Or use an inventory management solution that integrates with Walmart, such as M2E Cloud. You’ll be able to quickly link items with the Walmart catalog and keep inventories in check across Walmart and other connected channels.

User reviews

I like how this app is easy to use and how it saves me from routine tasks of product inventory management. The UI is clear and intuitive so you don’t need any tutorials or guides to start using the app. It also saves a lot of time managing several stores and keeping track of stock levels and order updates.

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Skyrocket your sales and save time with M2E Cloud